OakFest’24 – Music and Beer Festival Saturday 8th June 2024
Well that went rather well didn’t it! The atmosphere was magical, the sun shone and people came along to join our little party.
Over the years so many people have helped build OakFest into the fabulous event it has become. Numerous superbly talented bands and artists have and our incredibly generous sponsors, many of them local business, who have paid thousands of pounds to help cover costs and make more money for our little school. Add to that the wonderfully kind volunteers who step in to help out with their special jobs, big and small, many of whom are previous Oakley parents who still come back year after year to help, others close friends who come along to support us with their expertise, and you have a huge family of people who come together to make everything possible, raising an enormous total that has and continues to make such a difference to our lovely village school. Thank you to everyone single person who supported in any way, I am immensely grateful.
Once we have a final figure I will let you know but it is looking very good.
More photographs to follow here and on our Facebook page OakFest24. If you have any you would like to share please send them to me via office@oakley.bucks.sch.uk. Thank you.
Huge thanks once again. Saturday was such a great day and I felt truly blessed to be surrounded by so many incredibly kind and generous people, Iola
The best little music festival in Oakley!
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